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We plan on seeing year-round species, including black-capped chickadees, red-winged blackbirds, lesser goldfinches, mallards, plus some late migrants. We will note field marks and we will listen to bird
Event Details
We plan on seeing year-round species, including black-capped chickadees, red-winged blackbirds, lesser goldfinches, mallards, plus some late migrants. We will note field marks and we will listen to bird calls. Grass and gravel trails are narrow and mainly flat (long pants recommended). We will walk approximately two miles visiting ponds, river and prairie habitats. This field trip is not accessible for those with mobility challenges.
Meeting location: Denver Audubon Kingery Nature Center, 11280 Waterton Rd., Littleton, CO 80125.
Trip Leaders: Angela Grun and Julia Gwinn.
Advance registration, including signing of the liability waiver, is required. Walk-up or impromptu participants will not be allowed.
Please Note: If you have registered and no longer can attend the program, please contact the Denver Audubon Office at (303) 973-9530 as soon as possible.