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Hikes for Homeschoolers - Dinosaur Ridge HawkWatch (4/16)

wed16apr10:00 amwed11:30 pmHikes for Homeschoolers - Dinosaur Ridge HawkWatch (4/16)Meet real ornithologists from HawkWatch as they study raptor migration at Dinosaur Ridge!

Event Details

Dinosaur Ridge Hawk Watch is located in Jefferson County just south of the I-70 corridor, and north of Morrison Colorado. A field trip up to Dinosaur Ridge Hawk Watch is an excellent participatory science experience for kids in 3rd grade and up to learn about raptors (meat-eating birds of prey) like hawks, falcons, and eagles. We will learn about the spring migration of these majestic birds as they fly north to breeding grounds to raise their young. Migration is an incredible spectacle going on around you every spring and fall. While you are up on Dinosaur Ridge, we will also learn how to spot and identify these raptors that migrate past you, sometimes at eye level!

We expect to stay for an hour and maybe longer. Please dress for the weather but in layers so you can adapt if the sun is too warm or if you get too chilly. Bring some water for your hike to the ridge. You can also bring binoculars if you have some of your own, and we will have binoculars for the kids to try out for themselves!

Registration required, no walk-in spots available. Thank you!

Registration required: $5 per student age 3+, no charge for adult chaperones



April 16, 2025 10:00 am - 11:30 pm(GMT+00:00)


Dakota Ridge Trail

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