Backyard Birds - Lakewood, Colorado Edition
In this special edition of Backyard Birds, we’re featuring sightings and photos from Rex Nelson of Lakewood, Colorado as reported to Hugh Kingery.
More time at home has allowed Rex Nelson of Lakewood to photograph his backyard birds, including a few familiar and a few first-time visitors.
On October 10th, Rex reported and photographed the following birds:
A House Sparrow and Junco share the birdbath.
A Northern Flicker gets a drink.
“The Townsend’s Solitaire doesn’t come through very often. I’ve never heard its song, which is an amazing string of rapid melodies, just it’s one-note call.
“Jake the Blue Jay makes quite the fuss every time he visits our yard. Since the drought in our area is listed as extreme, the birds depend on the water in our yard, Jake more so than others!”
Fall goldfinches lose some of their striking color.
A White-crowned Sparrow picks through seeds.
A Dark-eyed Junco grabs a drink from the birdbath.
“We were surprised to see this Hermit Thrush in our back yard. Their song is an amazing, ethereal sound.”
An American Robin is a familiar backyard sight.
On October 14th, Rex photographed two more visitors:
“I was carrying the tube feeder back to its hanging spot after filling it, and a Red-breasted Nuthatch landed on the feeder while I was carrying it!
“We’ve never had a Mountain Chickadee in our backyard here in Lakewood, but we do this morning!”

Your contributions write this column. Thanks to all who send in these intriguing reports. Send a note or post card to P.O. Box 584, Franktown 80116, or Email Hugh Kingery at