Winter Birding at Walden Wildlife Area

Winter Birding at Walden Wildlife Area

Pat Heller

Walden Wildlife Ponds located off of 75th Street and Valmont in Boulder is a series of ponds and marshes. This is a fantastic area for Winter Birding especially when the water is open. I find that Duck and Bass Ponds attract the most number of wintering ducks.

A pair of Northern Pintail Ducks swimming at Duck Pond
Pair of Northern Pintail Ducks at Duck Pond
A pair of Green-winged Teals at Duck Pond
Green-winged Teal pair at Duck Pond
An American Widgeon swimming at duck pond
American Widgeon at Duck Pond

Russian Olive trees along the shelterbelt past Cottonwood Marsh along the northern edge occasionally attracts flocks of Evening Grosbeak and Cedar Waxwings.

A flock of Evening Grosbeaks perched in Russian Olive trees
Evening Grosbeaks; photo by Thomas Heinrich
Cedar Waxwings perched in Russian Olive Trees
Cedar Waxwings perched in Russian Olives
Grove of Russian Olive trees along a frozen pond in winter
Russian Olive grove along frozen over ponds where flocks of Cedar Waxwings and Evening Grosbeaks can be seen