Rss Test

  • Copy this event and edit your new event. The easiest way to do this is from Neon's many Events page. Find the template event, hover your mouse over the right-most column (shown as "…") and select copy event (just once). Open the newly created event and hit the edit button. You don't have to change […]
  • PLEASE NOTE: You must register for this field trip (limit: 30 people) and complete the liability form when you register. Walk-up or impromptu participants will not be allowed. Other requirements are described below. Winter migration brings a unique diversity of waterfowl to the Front Range, and the Denver Audubon Kingery Nature Center is a prime location […]
  • PLEASE NOTE: You must register for this field trip (limit: 30 people) and complete the liability form when you register. Walk-up or impromptu participants will not be allowed. Other requirements are described below. Winter migration brings a unique diversity of waterfowl to the Front Range, and the Denver Audubon Kingery Nature Center is a prime location […]
  • PLEASE NOTE: You must register for this field trip (limit: 30 people) and complete the liability form when you register. Walk-up or impromptu participants will not be allowed. Other requirements are described below. From venomous fangs to noxious flowers, Colorado's wildlife hosts an arsenal of adaptations to paralyze, poison, and irritate their way out of a […]
  • Please join us for a relaxing morning as we explore birds at the south end of South Platte Park. This part of the park has multiple opportunities to view birds that are drawn to lakes and rivers. In mid-October, we can expect to see lots of ducks! We may see Green-winged Teal, Gadwalls, American Wigeon, […]
  • Species: We will see fall waterfowl species such as the Hooded Merganser, Bufflehead, and Green-winged Teal. Estimated Distance 0.2 – 5 miles. This lovely birding hotspot includes 2 large ponds (one with an island), multiple accessible trails and a stretch of Clear Creek riparian habitat. Note that this field trip is accessible for those with […]
  • Join us at the Denver Audubon Kingery Nature Center for an after-dark exploration of the night sky, including telescope demonstrations with the Denver Astronomical Society. Learn about how birds and other wildlife use stars to navigate by night, and how we can reduce the impact of light pollution. See incredible astronomical objects through telescopes and learn […]
  • We will be looking for Colorado birds that live in beautiful Roxborough State Park all year, as well as remaining migrants. Most summer migrants have already left (White-throated Swifts, swallows, etc.), but there may be laggards. We may see other birds that are more common in the winter (American Tree Sparrow, Townsend's Solitaire), while listening […]
  • Walk the Wetlands begins at the Denver Audubon Kingery Nature Center. The group ventures along the South Platte River through open fields and deciduous woodland, and by ponds and marshes. The walk itself is about 3 miles and takes ~3.5 hours, the time varying mostly due to weather conditions and the appearance of the birds. With […]
  • PLEASE NOTE: You must register for this field trip (limit: 30 people) and complete the liability form when you register. Walk-up or impromptu participants will not be allowed. Other requirements are described below. Come along on a bug hunt at the Denver Audubon Kingery Nature Center! Entomology is the study of arthropods, including insects, spiders, crustaceans, […]