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Beginning Birdwatching Class - Spring

wed27apr(apr 27)7:00 pmsat04jun(jun 4)9:00 pmBeginning Birdwatching Class - SpringOur Spring Beginning Birdwatching Class features 4 field trips and 2 virtual classroom sessions. Virtual Classroom Dates (Wednesdays): April 27 and May 4 from 7-9pm Field Trip Dates (Saturdays): May 7, 14, 21, and June 4 from 8-11am

Event Details

Beginning Birdwatching Class – Spring

Virtual Classroom Dates (Wednesdays): April 27 and May 4 from 7-9pm

Field Trip Dates (Saturdays): May 7, 14, 21, and June 4 from 8-11am

Field Trip locations include South Platte Park, Audubon Center at Chatfield, Prospect Park, and Genesee Park

New to birding? Wonder how to begin? Let Audubon Master Birders help you learn about bird identification, behavior, and habitats as well as choices for binoculars, scopes, and field guides. This class will be a combination of two evening virtual classes and four field trips. The virtual classes – via Zoom – lends itself to "virtual" birding and discussion about local and regional birding sites, how to look for birds, and the keys for identification. The class is designed to provide you with knowledge you can use to kick-start your lifelong love of birding! Once you get hooked, you will embark on a hobby that leads to many adventures.

Leader: Curt Frankenfeld, Audubon Master Birder,

By registering for this class and attending the field trips, you agree to the following:

-You will self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms, even if you are vaccinated, and use common sense. DO NOT attend if you if you had recent exposure to an individual with symptoms or confirmation of COVID-19. If you have any symptoms or even suspect you could have COVID-19 symptoms, do not sign up for this trip.
-Masks Outdoors: Masks are not required outdoors.
-Masks Indoors: As per the current metro county orders, masks are not required indoors. However, you may choose to continue wearing masks in all public indoor spaces.


April 27, 2022 7:00 pm - June 4, 2022 9:00 pm(GMT+00:00)



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