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Birding 101 Walk with CO Queer Alliance

sat05nov9:00 amsat11:00 amBirding 101 Walk with CO Queer AllianceJoin us and bird with pride!

Event Details

    • PLEASE NOTE: You must register for this field trip (limit: 10 people) and complete the liability form when you register. Walk-up or impromptu participants will not be allowed. Other requirements are described below.

Join Denver Audubon and the Colorado Queer Alliance on a Birding 101 walk at the Denver Audubon Nature Center. Join us in building queer community, learning birding basics, and exploring all the fall birds Colorado offers. All orientations, straight and gay, are welcome, as well as all gender identities and expressions.

    • COVID Guidelines: We will follow the current guidelines for the county where the program takes place.


November 5, 2022 9:00 am - 11:00 am(GMT+00:00)


Denver Audubon Nature Center

11280 Waterton Road

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