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Birding in Lair O' the Bear Park

sun13aug7:00 amsun10:00 amBirding in Lair O' the Bear ParkCome explore the diverse habitat of Lair O' the Bear Park.

Event Details

Join us as we explore Lair O’ the Bear Park. It features a diverse habitat that attracts a nice variety of birds. We’ll look for Green-tailed Towhee, Pygmy Nuthatch, Bullock's Oriole, Western Wood-Pewee, Steller’s Jay, colorful warblers, raptors, and many other wonderful species. All birding levels are welcome, and we strongly encourage beginners to join us.
The terrain is relatively easy with a wide dirt trail. Some increase in elevation up the hillside at a slow pace. Approx 2 mile loop. Bring binoculars, water, hat, sunscreen, snacks. Meet in the parking lot near the trailhead sign.

Meeting Location: Lair o’ the Bear parking lot near the Trailhead sign, 22550 State Highway 74, Idledale, CO 80453. From C-470, take Bear Creek Rd / Hwy 74 west through Morrison. Watch for the park sign west of Idledale.

Trip Leader: Natalie Vande Vuss. For more information, please call Natalie at (303) 520-4333.

Please Note: If you have registered and no longer can attend the walk, please contact the Denver Audubon Office (Rhonda Shank 303-973-9530) as soon as possible. There is a waiting list for those wanting to join the walk. 

  • Advance registration, including signing of the liability waiver, is required. Walk-up or impromptu participants will not be allowed.

  • You are responsible for bringing your own binoculars, water, snacks and sunscreen for optimum experience.

  • Cameras are permitted.

  • This trip is not accessible for those with mobility issues.

COVID Guidelines: We will follow the current guidelines for the county where the program takes place.

Photo credit: Natalie Vande Vuss.


August 13, 2023 7:00 am - 10:00 am(GMT-11:00)


Lair O' the Bear Trailhead

22550 Highway 74

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