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Denver Urban Christmas Count: Sand Creek/Commerce City/Montbello

wed05jan8:00 amwed4:00 pmDenver Urban Christmas Count: Sand Creek/Commerce City/MontbelloA pleasant flat 3-mile saunter along lazy Sand Creek. Area Count Leader: Michael Serruto.

Event Details

PLEASE NOTE: You must register for this field trip and complete the liability form when you register. Walk-up or impromptu participants will not be allowed. Other requirements are described below.

Audubon's 122nd Christmas Bird Count is a holiday tradition – everyone welcome: beginners, intermediate, and advanced. The more eyes we have, the more birds we see. In partnership with National Audubon, Denver Audubon supports the bird count within the Denver Urban circle on Saturday, January 1, 2022.

A New Year's Day Tradition! We will meet at Sapp Brothers, 7120 E. 49th Ave., Commerce City, at 8 a.m. to arrange parking and carpooling from there to the start at the Havana Street bridge over Sandcreek. To get to the start, we will drive east from Sapp Brothers on I-70 to Havana Street, south to the trafic light immediately south of the bridge over Sandreek at Florence Way, west one block on Florence Way to Hanover Street. We will park on Hanover Street.

From there we will saunter 3 flat lazy miles on paved surfaces along Sand Creek from the bridge on Havana to Sapp Brothers Truck Stop on Quebec. The afternoon leg begins at the Sand Creek Greenway Trailhead parking lot at Brighton Boulevard and returns to Sapp Brothers. We usually see a bald eagle or two, red-tailed hawks, and a nice assortment of wintering ducks. Prairie falcons and merlin hunt the riparian zone. A late Say's phoebe hawking insects is not unusual. Ordinary preparation for winter birding is all that this trip requires: watch the weather reports, light hiking boots, a backpack with water, extra layers, and snack should see you through. Bring a lunch; we'll eat at Sapp Brothers. Note that this field trip is accessible for those with mobility challenges. The name of the trailhead parking lot is Sandcreek Regional Greenway, Vasquez Blvd. The address is 4900 Sandcreek Dr. S., Commerce City. Enter from Sandcreek Drive.

For more information, please call area count leader Michael Serruto at 720-581-2711. Note that Michael accepts text messages for field trip responses.

By registering for and attending this field trip, you agree to the following:

You will self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms, even if you are vaccinated, and use common sense. DO NOT attend if you had recent exposure to an individual with symptoms or confirmation of COVID-19. If you have any symptoms or even suspect you could have COVID-19 symptoms, do not sign up for this trip.
-Masks Outdoors: Masks are not required outdoors. However, we encourage unvaccinated people to wear a mask when interacting with people outside their household when outdoors and maintain social distancing of six feet.
-Masks Indoors: We strongly recommend everyone, including fully vaccinated persons, wear a mask in all public indoor spaces and maintain social distancing of six feet when interacting with people outside their household.

Photo credit: George Mayfield.


January 5, 2022 8:00 am - 4:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


Sapp Brothers

7120 E. 49th Ave.

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