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Denver Urban Christmas Count - SE Denver, North of Hampden

wed01jan8:00 amwed3:00 pmDenver Urban Christmas Count - SE Denver, North of HampdenA holiday tradition—everyone welcome: beginners, intermediate, and advanced. The more eyes we have, the more birds we see. And we like to encourage people to get involved. Start the New Year with a half day or whole day effort—a good way to start 2020! The count covers a circle with a 15-mile diameter that includes the Platte River from the north city limits to Mississippi Ave., west to Buckley Air Force Base and the Rocky Mountain Arsenal. After the count, at 5 p.m. celebrate with a Potluck at Washington Park United Church of Christ, 400 S. Williams St., Denver CO, 80209. The parking lot for the church is to the north, and the accessible entrance is off the alley. Call Urling Kingery at 303-814-2723 to RSVP and to enjoy the chili potluck, Urling's brownies, and your salad, dessert, veggie, or finger foods. Feel free to come even if you don’t RSVP. Count Leader, Hugh Kingery: 303-814-2723 or 720-626-9566.

Event Details


A holiday tradition—everyone welcome: beginners, intermediate, and advanced. The more eyes we have, the more birds we see. And we like to encourage people to get involved. Start the New Year with a half day or whole day effort—a good way to start 2020! The count covers a circle with a 15-mile diameter that includes the Platte River from the north city limits to Mississippi Ave., west to Buckley Air Force Base and the Rocky Mountain Arsenal.


After the count, at 5 p.m. celebrate with a Potluck at Washington Park United Church of Christ, 400 S. Williams St., Denver CO, 80209. The parking lot for the church is to the north, and the accessible entrance is off the alley. Call Urling Kingery at 303-814-2723 to RSVP and to enjoy the chili potluck, Urling's brownies, and your salad, dessert, veggie, or finger foods. Feel free to come even if you don’t RSVP.


Count Leader, Hugh Kingery: 303-814-2723 or 720-626-9566.


Count Area: SE Denver, North of Hampden.


Meeting Location: Meet at the north end of the south parking lot at the Wellshire Golf Course, on Colorado north of Hampden.


Mode of Travel: Walking.


To Sign Up: Contact Area Leader Mary Keithler (, 303-941-7009).



January 1, 2020 8:00 am - 3:00 pm(GMT+00:00)

Event Registration

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