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PROGRAM FULL - Habitats for Homeschoolers: Bird Banding Bonanza! (May 29th Session)

wed29may8:00 amwed10:30 amPROGRAM FULL - Habitats for Homeschoolers: Bird Banding Bonanza! (May 29th Session)A custom bird banding experience designed specifically for homeschool families

Event Details

    • PLEASE NOTE: You must register for this field trip (limit: 30 people) and complete the liability form when you register. Walk-up or impromptu participants will not be allowed. Other requirements are described below.

A custom bird banding experience designed specifically for homeschool families. Learn about being an ornithologist (bird scientist), bird migration, and the four elements of habitat. Join us for a discussion on the incredible migration journey of songbirds, raptors, and hummingbirds. Leave the program feeling empowered to help birds during their migration journey!

The suggested age for this program is 5 and up. Students must be attended by a parent or guardian.

    • COVID Guidelines: We will follow the current guidelines for the county where the program takes place.


May 29, 2024 8:00 am - 10:30 am(GMT+00:00)


Denver Audubon Kingery Nature Center

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Event Registration