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John James Audubon Sketch Challenge

sun26apr(apr 26)1:00 amsun17may(may 17)11:55 pmJohn James Audubon Sketch ChallengeSubmit your favorite nature sketches for the chance to win a complimentary, one-year Denver Audubon membership and a customized box of organic Colorado native plants.

Event Details

Our namesake, John James Audubon, achieved great status as a naturalist, scientific observer, and artist during his lifetime from 1785 to 1851. To celebrate his 235th birthday (this Sunday, April 26), we are hosting an online “John James Nature Sketch Challenge.” Nature journaling can be an amazing way to re-connect with the great outdoors—it requires contemplative time observing wildlife and plants, as well as taking field notes and sketching what you see. Submit your favorite nature sketches for the chance to win a complimentary, one-year Denver Audubon membership and a customized box of organic Colorado native plants.

Contest Rules and Registration:

  • The contest is open from April 26 to May 16.
  • Entries are limited to one per person.
  • Register online and pay the $10 registration fee or call 303-973-9530 to pay over the phone (additional donations greatly appreciated).
  • Once registered, take a photo of your sketch and email it to When you email your entry include:
    1. Your first and last name
    2. List the species that your sketch captures.
  • You must email your submission by midnight on Saturday May 16, when the contest and registration will close.


April 26, 2020 1:00 am - May 17, 2020 11:55 pm(GMT+00:00)

Event Registration

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