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Raptors of the Northern Front Range

sun02feb9:00 amsun4:00 pmRaptors of the Northern Front RangeFollow the trip leader to spot numerous raptors and other high-flyers, such as bald eagles, red-tailed hawks and great-horned owls. This car caravan trip is fast-paced. There are great photo-ops during short stops, but the trip is not suitable for extended photographic studies. We travel back roads around DIA, Barr Lake and in Weld county - very little walking involved. Carpooling from the meeting point is required - three car maximum for safety reasons. Participants are required to stay with the group for duration of the trip (no early departures). We take a brief stop for lunch at a Safeway deli. Trip limit: 10.


February 2, 2020 9:00 am - 4:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


Wendy's Restaurant

4880 E Bromley Ln

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