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The Crown Hill Birding Series

sun24apr8:00 amsun11:00 amThe Crown Hill Birding SeriesJoin us for a 3-hour adventure through Crown Hill Park’s many habitats! We'll meet off of W. 26th Avenue. To get to the meeting place, go to Wadsworth Blvd. (from either 6th Ave. or I-70). From Wadsworth, take the turn onto 26th Ave. As you head west, the meeting location will be the first parking lot on your right.

Event Details

PLEASE NOTE: You must register for this field trip (limit: 12 people) and complete the liability form when you register. Walk-up or impromptu participants will not be allowed. Other requirements are described below.

Welcome to the second installment of the Crown Hill birding series! Crown hill is a wonderful park found close to Denver in the Wheat Ridge area. This park is a wonderful place to bird in the city/suburban area of the front range. It is home to 5+ different habitats that attract many different bird species. Because it is located in the middle of an “urban desert,” Crown Hill is an oasis for migratory bird species. This park is a great stopover location, and we have seen a large variety of different species.

This trip is the second in the Crown Hill birding series. Don’t worry though If you were unable to join the first outing; you are more than welcome to come along on this trip! The goal of this series to to follow a location through the spring migration. On our first trip we had a cold, snowy day, but we still saw 20 different species. I am excited to see how many species we can see this time!

This trip will feature approximately a 3-mile loop. We will be on paved walkways or gravel paths the entire time making this trip quite accessible as well.

Crown Hill is located off of 26th Ave and either Wadsworth or Kipling Pkwy. From 6th Avenue, you will want to take either the Wadsworth or Kipling exit and head North. Once you reach 26th Ave, if you are on Wadsworth, take a left and if on Kipling, take a right. We will then be meeting in the parking lot just west of the Crown Hill Cemetery.

I am excited to go on another adventure! If you do sign up, but are unable to make it, please let me know as soon as possible. Also, if you need help finding the meeting location the morning of, do not hesitate to give me a call!!

For more information, please call Jack Strobel, trip leader, at (720) 644-7362.

By registering for and attending this field trip, you agree to the following:
Please self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms, even if you are vaccinated, and use common sense. DO NOT attend if you had recent exposure to an individual with symptoms or confirmation of COVID-19. If you have any symptoms or even suspect you could have COVID-19 symptoms, do not sign up for this trip.
-Masks Outdoors: Masks are not required outdoors. However, we encourage unvaccinated people to wear a mask when interacting with people outside their household when outdoors and maintain social distancing of six feet.
-Masks Indoors: We strongly recommend everyone, including fully vaccinated persons, wear a mask in all public indoor spaces and maintain social distancing of six feet when interacting with people outside their household.

Photo credit: Daniel Williams.


April 24, 2022 8:00 am - 11:00 am(GMT+00:00)


Crown Hill Park

9307 W. 26th Ave.

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