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Virtual Coffee with a Corvid!

sat07nov9:00 amsat10:30 amVirtual Coffee with a Corvid!Explore the corvids of Colorado, and virtually meet an African Crow from Nature's Educators!

Event Details

Grab your favorite cup of bird-friendly coffee, explore the corvids of Colorado, and virtually meet an African Crow from Nature's Educators! Fall is a wonderful time to familiarize yourself with many of our year-round residents, the Corvidae family (a.k.a. crows, ravens, magpies, jays and nutcrackers). During this workshop, we will explore some of the wonderful natural history of corvids, practice species identification, and then have an opportunity to see a live African Pied Crow and learn about his story from our partners at Nature's Educators.


November 7, 2020 9:00 am - 10:30 am(GMT+00:00)



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