Walk the Wetlands
Event Details
PLEASE NOTE: You must register for this field trip (limit: 6 people) and complete the liaibility form when you register. Walk-up or impromptu participants
Event Details
PLEASE NOTE: You must register for this field trip (limit: 6 people) and complete the liaibility form when you register. Walk-up or impromptu participants will not be allowed. Other social distancing requirements are described below.
Join us for this popular monthly birding walk. Migrants are mostly gone, although northern migrants, such as waterfowl, will be arriving to winter in Colorado. It is still a good time to see both migrants and residents on this beautiful walk along the South Platte River. We will search for birds in grassland, riparian forest, and wetland habitats. You never know what surprises we might see. This walk is ideal for beginners and all birding levels. Bring suncreen, plenty of water and a snack, binoculars (we cannot loan binoculars at this time), and wear long pants since there is poison ivy along the trail. We look forward to seeing you. This walk has been featured in 5280 Magazine!
By registering for and attending this field trip, you agree to the following:
- Per CDC guidelines, we encourage high risk individuals to stay at home. High risk people are defined as those 65 or over and those with certain underlying medical conditions that make them more vulnerable. Refer to the CDC guidelines for further information on these conditions.
- Advance registration, including signing of the liability waiver is required. Walk-up or impromptu participants will not be allowed.
- You will self-screen for covid symptoms and use common sense. If you have any covid symptoms or even suspect you could have covid symptoms, do not sign on for this trip.
- You are responsible for bringing and wearing a mask at all times that covers your nose and mouth
- We require 6 foot social distancing on all parts of the trip. This means that you need to maintain a 6 foot distance between yourself and other trip participants as well as any others that may be using the trails..
- Hand hygiene – bring alcohol-based hand sanitizer for your personal use. Be careful not to get this near your optics as it could affect the protective coatings on optics.
- Please arrive independently. Denver Audubon does not encourage car pooling at this time.
October 4, 2020 8:00 am - 1:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
Denver Audubon Nature Center
11280 Waterton Road