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PROGRAM FULL - Young Birders Club Field Trip at First Creek Park

sun30apr8:00 amsun11:00 amPROGRAM FULL - Young Birders Club Field Trip at First Creek ParkEnjoy a 3 hour migration-focused trip to a prairie and riparian oasis at First Creek Park

Event Details

This trip will be a flat 2-4 mile walk on various trail surfaces, and is timed to get us some new spring migrants to the Denver area. Incoming birds we could see include swallows, migrating sparrows and teals that wont stick around for long, flycatchers, warblers, and of course, raptors! The first half of the walk will be exposed and possibly windy, and the second half will be along First Creek's riparian corridor. Please wear appropriate footwear and layers, and bring a full water bottle and snacks if you want them. Binoculars and field guides are recommended as always, but we may have a few loaners available.

Trip Leaders: Sara Leavesly and Angela Trnka

Meeting Place: First Creek at DEN open Space. If you type this into google maps, it should come up. Google maps only give an address range: 5600-5898 Buckley Rd, Denver 80239. The closest intersection is 56th Ave and Pena Blvd.

Please Note: If you have registered and no longer can attend the walk, please contact the Denver Audubon Office (Rhonda Shank 303-973-9530) as soon as possible. 

  •  Advance registration, including signing of the liability waiver is required. Walk-up or impromptu participants will not be allowed. 

  • You are responsible for bringing your own binoculars, water, snacks and sunscreen for optimum experience 

  • Cameras are permitted 

  • This trip is accessible for those with mobility issues.

COVID Guidelines: We will follow the current guidelines for the county where the program takes place.

Photo credit: Kevin J Beaty.


April 30, 2023 8:00 am - 11:00 am(GMT+00:00)


First Creek at DEN Open Space

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